Leonie Bell is a German-American theater-maker based in Berlin/New York. She creates fake family parties, mass lullabies, pseudo-historical excursions, and other theatrical tantrums that endow the audience with more creative powers and foster a momentary feeling of belonging amongst strangers. Leonie’s artistic practice involves an irreverent reverence for the irrational and a relentless desire for community. In NYC, she has performed at BAM, the Met Breuer, Cloud City, Under St. Marks Theater, Dixon Place, The Brick, Center for Performance Research, and other venues. She is a participant of the Mabou Mines Resident-Artist-Program 2019, BAX Upstart Program 2018-2019, and The Midwives Term 2018-2019. (BA from Bard College; MFA in Theatre from Sarah Lawrence College.) For more info on upcoming antics, run slow-motion to
Isabella Rossellini / Sibyl Kempson / Adrienne Truscott / Lucille Ball / Herbert Fritsch / Jacques Tati / Mr. Bean
going on strike or other amplifications or thisprojectisaboutmaps
this project || focuses on the “we” that is my midwife and i even though we’re named midwife and artist || really i’m here to soak up lots of stuff in the time that i have been gifted this companion || but i still have to put work into our relationship or else there really is no or else || okay || i want my midwife Milissa and i want to curate our experience together through a series of maps and last time we spoke she liked the idea which made me even more excited and i’m pretty excitable so that’s pretty excited because i was worried about having to pick one thing to work on but this feels like an experiment that feels very gr8t || she knows stuff about maps and all sorts of terrains || and other documents || we both like collaged things and both feel scrappy sometimes || i’m writing this without knowing whether Milissa actually likes collages and without knowing Milissa all that well so getting to know Milissa will be part of my project as well || and mostly a process of how one can be a witness to each other as the other goes through a process that is creative and sometimes upsetting because nothing is clear || right now nothing feels very clear in this world so where does anything go || i mean || what kind of organizational system can we find that will help us feel less foggy or like throwing up or a tantrum || and how can we invigorate another artist’s process || we also go excited about negative space and positive space and what happens to the negative space when the positive space is removed what is happening then so that is also part of our project || i am also learning about boundaries so that fits in with maps yes I guess this project is about maps and we will be the map-drawers/mappers/maps || is about maps