
ARTIST OF: Kaitlin Taylor

MIDWIFE OF: Devon Hayakawa


Ash Ross is a 31 year old artist and writer located in Rhode Island with his two loving partners. He's never met a dog he didn't desperately want to pet, and he enjoys going to the movie theater because it's cool, dark, there's tubs of popcorn, there's a peaceful sense of community where everyone understands to face in the same direction and silently share in a story, and I guess because he likes movies, too. He finds talking about himself in the third person to be pretty jarring, and wants to know if you like pokemon, and if you do, which is your favorite.


I write transformative fiction, original fiction (typically) in the high fantasy genre, and I do digital illustration and design. I'm comfortable in a lot of the traditional media as well, and want to expand into the aforementioned art dolls and costuming.


Conflicted heroes, sympathetic villains, happy endings and redemption arcs


I want to focus on developing the foundation for art dolls and expressive costuming (fursuits). This includes 3d modeling skeletal bases for ball-joint style armatures, exploring stylistic choices in costume patterning, improving my skill with media like airbrushing, sculpting and flocking, and (most of all) developing the discipline needed to pursue my artistic hobbies at a more commercially viable pace.